Terra Sangrenta by Danilo Aroeira

Terra Sangrenta [+18]

Graphic novel ambientada no Brasil colônia.

No período, os europeus impunham-se sobre os habitantes nativos enquanto os índios de diferentes tribos paralelamente travavam guerras entre si.

Roteiro: Alex Moletta
Arte: Dan Aroeira

Graphic novel set in colonial Brazil.

In the period, Europeans imposed themselves on the native inhabitants while the Indians of different tribes fought parallel wars with each other.

Story: Alex Moletta
Art: Dan Aroeira

About Dan Aroeira

Criador do Samurai Boy, coautor de Mandinga e Alynna. Ilustrador profissional, diretor de arte e professor de artes visuais na PUC-MG e na Universidade Fumec.
Creator of Samurai Boy, co-author of Mandinga and Alynna. Professional illustrator, art director and visual arts professor at PUC-MG and Fumec University.